Like and Dislike vs Good and Bad
Be careful to not get into subjective (like vs dislike) conversations with clients. Keep your discussions about objective principles you can agree on.
Film Just Opens the Door
This idea is what we have built our whole business plan around. Films are good, but they are not enough, they just start the conversation. Literally.
Contacts to Clients
A little insight into turning the contact list into paying clients. It’s not easy, but doable. People pay the people they want to do business with Obviously, one of the...
Time with Andy
Another opportunity to pick the brain of a well respected man. Thanks Andy. Just jump in, stop planning So I had the opportunity again, to me with an older man...
What Leadership Really Means
Good leaders, can make a the difference in failure and success, and in overall enjoyment. Lead well and press into people As a business owner, you are a leader even...
Hire Your Weakness
The second half of an earlier article about working in your talent. Since we don’t have the luxury of freezing time, we need to be able to rely on others...
Realistic Expectations
Having the proper expectations about a creative endeavor goes a long way towards making a successful project. Take some time to understand what is really going to happen compared to...
Working with Creatives
Creative people are a different kind of people. We think about things differently. We really take pride in our work and have a tendency to get married to what we...