Happy Independence Day Week
Enjoy your Independence Day week and realize we have a TON to be thankful for.
Video Independence
This week, let’s make it a point to understand how good we actually have it as creatives in the US, Dallas especially. I make videos for a living. I own a production company… in Dallas. House of Sticks was created out of the desire to make better videos than the standard corporate videos I had been making for years. I hated my day job. Started the side-hustle and stopped giving a crap about what people thought. I got far enough down the road, that I replaced the income 3 times over. Come on. A production company in Dallas is like a rain storm in the desert. It happens just not very often. God bless America.
Not enough to be said about a country where we enjoy so much freedom. It is a blessing, to live in a country where we can enjoy the freedom to make a living being creative. The very fact, if there’s an Industry need for creative professionals, video production teams, user experience design professionals, is a testament to just how fantastic our country is. Our roles as creatives, from the outside looking in, is one of privilege. Our giftings are nonessential to business. The economy of the world would continue just fine if no one had an artistic bent ever ever again. But what a terribly boring world it would be.
A Dallas Production Company
Yet, House of Sticks as a video production company, web design company and mobile app development firm does exist. We’re growing. Our production budgets are getting bigger. Our client list is expanding. Companies all over Texas are taking note. Our services are as good as anyone based out of LA. Media today is kind of awesome like that. We have access to financing – Red Digital film cameras have been so awesome to own. Worth every penny. Now, we are asked to make brand films, not professional training videos. Finally. Our services have become more than just marketing. We aren’t a full service agency. Not sure we want to be, but we have the option. What a fantastic country we live in to have the option. The ability to have that freedom is HUGE.
This independence day, we sat with our families, close to the house and took some interesting photos of fireworks. Of course being a production company we had all the gear, so why not use it. Production of cool images is kind of our thing too, so that helps. Interestingly enough, I didn’t expect the results. The images came our looking very organic. Flowers and sticks. Puffer fish. I think they were cool enough to share.
Warning media production technical info upcoming
Its a long lens and the focus was changed over a long shutter. This would have been impossible with film since 90% of the images were out of focus. Post productions were straight forward but each image was treated a little differently. Enjoy.
At House of Sticks, we make videos, because we can make videos. Our productions or aimed at being the absolute best they can be, because we can. And we should. On this independence week, be reminded that your ability to do accomplish the things you want have been made possible by the men and women who fight on our behalf. Please do me a favor and take advantage of the freedom you have. Go be the best you can be. Find a purpose in life bigger than yourself, and spend every waking hour on that purpose.
Dallas, Dallas, Dallas. House of Sticks a DALLAS video production company. Plus a little more.