Does the camera matter?
Does a camera really matter that much. Simply put, there is much more to a production than cameras and a crew. Certainly the devil is in the details as they say.
Product Price and Promotion in video
Product, pricing and promotion are good for most marketing but being a video production company we think there is another P that is missing from the equation. Producers know it all to well. Planning.
Video Production Pitfalls
Have you ever wondered why your video didn't turn out the right way? Or tried to figure out why the production was missing that certain something? In this article we explore just that.
Quality Video Production
Investing in quality video production is an asset to your company, here are some insights.
Creatives: To Go to School or Not
Its a topic that is gaining a lot of momentum and its because school is so very expensive.
Creativity With Boundaries
The best ideas never come from possibilities they come from constraints. Its creative thinking at is height. Boundaries are essential to producing good work In a remarkably dry and technical...
Designing for One Eye and One Thumb
Weird title for a good reason. So many people are on mobile devices you have half of their attention and they need to reach you with a click of a...
Do It for Love Not Money
If you’re doing it for the money, do you really love it? Life’s short, do good work, do what your good at and enjoy lif Please Follow your heart not...
Doing Your Best
If you’re not going to work hard, then quit Keeping your priorities straight can be difficult in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Deadlines make us rush through projects...
Following Your Passion
One of the most important lessons we have learned so far. Your passions are there for a reason and most of the time, your best work will come out of...